Best Way to Keep Baby Cool at the Beach


As long as there is a sun in the sky, there will be hot days, especially during the summer months. Of course, that does not mean you can’t bring your family on a fun beach day and still keep your little ones safe. There are many things you can do to ensure that even your kiddo is sitting pretty while sitting on the sandy shore. Here’s a look at 9 of the best ways to keep baby cool when you’re at the beach.

Wait Until the Right Age

Although everyone likes the beach, it is not advisable to take a small baby there, unless you are only going to be there for a short time and it is fully protected. As a general rule, it is recommended that you wait until a child is at least 6 months old before taking them outside in the sun for an extended period of time. This is because they are too young to wear sunscreen before this age and they are relatively delicate when in the elements.

Breathable Clothing

Each person in your family should be wearing breathable clothes, especially the youngest member of your family. It is best if they are lightly colored as well, as this will not absorb the sun’s rays. This may also ensure that clothes aren’t causing more perspiration than they should.

Don’t forget about shoes either because the sand can be too hot for little feet. You can find aqua shoes, which limit the amount of sand that tracks back into your car and they will be able to dry out easily, even if they get wet. As a bonus, they also keep feet from getting sunburned.

You may consider bringing an extra outfit for baby as well, since there’s bound to be accidents or spills.

Plenty of Shade

It is important to have plenty of shade when you are at the beach. The water reflects light, and you also have to worry about sunlight, with the harmful radiation it can deliver.

The good news is that there are many ways to stay shady at the beach. You can get a large beach umbrella, use a hat, or even purchase a beach tent. There are tents that can hold a whole family, or child sized tents, which not only protect from the sun’s rays, but they can also limit wind and saltwater exposure. The best ones offer plenty of ventilation, as well as protection from UV rays.

Keep Drinks and Snacks Handy

Always keep your tyke hydrated when they are going to be outside for an extended period of time. The easiest way to do this is to keep drinks and snacks handy. In addition to water, there are fruits and vegetables that help replenish your water intake, so you may want to include them as well. Consider things like watermelon and celery, in addition to your little guy’s favorite foods. Keep in mind that you only want to pack foods that are appropriate for eating outdoors and on the go.


We all know that sunscreen is important, but you don’t want to put too much or too little on. Read the directions on the bottle to see when it should be applied and reapplied. It should also indicate how much should be used.

Another thing to look out for is that the sunscreen is suited to be used on a baby. They have sensitive skin and you want to be sure that you aren’t giving them anything that can cause irritation or harm them in any way.

Some kid’s bathing suits are treated with SPF protection, which gives you even less to worry about.

Taking a Swim

When you see your little darling looking overheated or they become red in the face, you can let them take a little swim. That doesn’t meant they should be thrown into the surf though. Walk with them on the shore and make sure they get water on some of their body. As it dries, it can help regulate body temperature better.

Additionally, you could bring fun toys that spray water and let them play and get wet with them. This would serve two purposes as they are having fun and staying cool at the same time.


You will likely bring a bag with you to hold any extras that you think you may need. Some items that will probably come in handy are a blanket, towels, sunglasses, books, and wipes.

If you know ahead of time that you are going to be going to the beach on a certain day, jot down some items prior to your trip, so that you can be sure you don’t forget anything. You won’t want to be stuck there and not have something you need, so try to put a little bit of time and thought into it.

Go at the Correct Time

We all know that the days are hotter when the sun is high up in the sky, so you should stay away from the beach at that part of the day. It is better to go in the morning or closer to dusk if you want to keep from getting too hot.

This also limits the chance that anyone will get sunburn or excessive UV exposure, which can damage the skin and cause other problems.

Plan Breaks

Two major things to think about are bathroom breaks and meal breaks. You need to stick to your toddler’s routine as much as possible, so they don’t become confused.

If they end up missing a meal or a restroom break, they are bound to get cranky, which could cause them to get hotter or more irritated, which no one wants.

When you keep all of these things in mind, you can have a relatively stress free day with your baby and enjoy watching them have fun too. Be sure you stay cool and hydrated as well, so you’re able to take care of those that count on you the most.

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